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 Do You Want The Good News Or The Bad?
Tonythetiger 1k posts, incept 2019-01-27
2024-04-20 09:00:05

Declaring ourselves to be "the world's policeman" after the Wall fell was outright stupid. The world would have been better off if we'd gone back to an isolationist foreign military policy instead. But NoooOOoo. We had to meddle and piss off everyone else around the globe. And we're likely going to find out, sooner rather than later, what the price for doing so will be.

Direct military confrontation would be very messy and costly. Our adversaries would do just as well to adopt a full and complete boycott on business with our country. Given that we've exported a significant fraction of our manufacturing overseas in the last few decades, we'd be hurting for a long time trying to dig out of that hole. Doubly so if other countries dumped all their US debt holdings onto the open market at whatever price they could get.

At least that's my take on things. We've painted ourselves into a corner and it won't be pleasant getting out of it.

"War is when the Government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself." - Benjamin Franklin

You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to
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