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 The Bottom Line On Trust and Medicine
Ocdawg 708 posts, incept 2019-03-14
2022-09-01 07:59:02

"... even worse then all of the above; all the data we have came from eight mice. Not one human, eight mice."

Read that statement. Read it again. After the FACTS are laid in KD's brilliant Ticker, those are the most chilling words I've ever read.

They are no longer hiding anything. They intend to kill us... PERIOD

And... we are AT WAR already... if you're BOOBUS AMERICANUS, you just don't realize it... and never will...

THINGS YOU NEVER HEAR: "Please stop sucking my dick or I'll call the police." - George Carlin
MISINFORMATION - Definition = whatever the Dems say

Reason: We're truly f-cked
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