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 Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?
Steelpiston71 9k posts, incept 2007-09-05
2022-05-02 15:14:25

Colleges and Universities care so much about the success of their students.

Most, if not all, have an Orientation CD/DVD that the students get for 'free'.

It covers a wide range of topics and is very useful/helpful/informative for the new students.

However, there is ONE TRUTH BOMB topic not discussed on said discs, a series of mathematical EQUATIONS involving $$$ that should displayed with various data points in examples.

This would take about 20 seconds to do, but, for some reason, it's omitted.

Caring about success? Or.. running a business into the ground.

"We have resolution authority under Frank/Dodd... How about we USE IT?" Karl Denninger, 10/07/10 on the Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC.
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