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 Since We're Taking Shots....
Nedpuddleman 127 posts, incept 2012-07-01
2022-01-31 12:23:33

I'm not a doctor but I can tell you early treatment works. It worked for me. I had the coof in early January. When started having symptoms I thought it was just a cold. But then I started running a fever. Which told me it was either the coof or some virus. I took a at home test and it was positive. That was my signal to start Ivermectin. Within 3 hours of my initial dosage of Ivermection I started feeling better. After the 2nd dosage the next day, 90% of my symptoms were gone. By the 3rd day I had zero symptoms. With a 4th and 5th dosages I never had symptoms reoccur. I sailed past day 12 and had zero lung issues. I've been told the 12 day mark is the "home free" if you don't have any symptoms.

I also should mention that I took the nutraceutical regimen Dr. Kory recommends concurrent with the Ivermectin. I continued the regimen for 2 weeks after my 5 day course of Ivermectin. This helped dampen down the inflammation after the Ivermectin stopped the viral replication.

To me the only reasons the medical establishment is putting out stuff like "Dr" Noorchashm is because they want to suppress the truth either for their own gain or to cover their malpractice. My former doctor told me that if I didn't get the jab I was one of the ones likely to be hospitalized and die. Then he refused to give me a script for Ivermectin because "it didn't work". I wonder how many people he has killed.
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