1k posts, incept 2021-05-01
2021-08-02 22:15:28
@Comolder. I would not take anything during pregnancy except a good multi-vitamin/ prenatal supplement as recommended by my OB. The vitamin supplement needs to contain Niacin to help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. For women with asthma, thyroid issues, blood disorder, diabetes, etc. - they should consult their treating specialist along with their OB and follow medical advice. Less is more. Get plenty of rest. Get out in the sunshine. Walk. Control stress. Given the infection risk these days, it probably wouldn't hurt to limit large gatherings and stay away from crowds. Eat healthy non-processed foods. Very important: a woman who is pregnant should NOT clean the cat litter box! Or come in contact with it. Someone else in the family needs to take on that task. That would be my best advice. I have experience working with high risk pregnancy. I hope this helps.