3k posts, incept 2021-02-25
2021-08-02 23:30:36
I was talking on the phone to a friend the other night that I just assumed had not gotten the vax. Just didn't seem like the type. I was talking freely and said something negative about the damgers of the vax. She said, "Well, I've got it in me...."
I felt just awful. She's a wonderful gal. So I just kinda tried to backpedal. I said, well, maybe since you didn't have any bad immediate effects (she told me she hadn't), you'll be okay. And I hope she will be.
Why did this young, healthy, athletic, hardworking mother of two get the vax? Because she wanted to be able to visit her much-loved aunt in the nursing home.
The fact that she once again is not allowed to, that she got the vax "all for nothing," has got her pretty frustrated.