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 Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
Quantum 1k posts, incept 2021-05-18
2021-08-02 22:15:28


Question. So if they (the liars in the medical community and media) feel you need "boosters" every six months what is the prognosis for those already vaxxinated?

IMO, the best course of action for someone who has been vaccinated would be to up their D level, take zinc and the other vitamins, and be prepared to aggressively and immediately treat any flu-like illness with ivermectin and the other drugs in the I-Mask protocol. Further injections are completely off the table. The micro clotting will become macro sooner or later.

Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this great multitude that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. --2 Chron. 20:12
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