1k posts, incept 2021-05-01
2021-05-17 19:01:14
Karl, thank you. Your answer is along the lines of what I have been thinking. I can't tell you how many people (i.e., friends, neighbors and acquainces) who have signed up for the death jab. I am the "crazy one" for questioning. I tell people I have allergies and the death jab would cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. (It would.) I had one woman so brainwashed that she responded, "That's too bad." Idiots all. I have tried to rescue some folks and it is a fool's errand. "We are so afraid that logic, reasoning, critical thinking and information cannot penetrate." This website is a sanctuary for me because I think I would go crazy otherwise. We are dealing with professional gaslighting and high level psychologic manipulation. I don't think they will be able to hide the numbers this fall and it will be a public health catastrophe. I am doing everything in my power to be prepared for teotwawki. It is coming. God help us.