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 Crap.... (OAS and OC43)
Mightymosin 198 posts, incept 2020-04-01
2021-05-17 18:12:15

So many people fear mongered into the hysteria, masks, distancing, and finally the jab. It's never been so clear to me, how stupid so many people are.

I trust my immune response and was naturally skeptical of anything developed so fast with no long term trials. Remember, it's the pioneers that get the arrows in the back. Or the arm in this case.

I hope the worst cases of this don't come true as I don't want to see that kind of death go on. On the other hand, many gullible would be wiped from the gene pool.

Were never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and thats just the way it goes.
Dr. Eric Rubin, Harvard University
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