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 The Biggest Mistake We've Ever Made
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2021-04-04 12:16:48

my only disagreement with Karl regarding ADE is that presentation might more closely mirror the natural cycle of corona viruses. Much like we only get a bad flu every so many years for a variety of known reasons, this might work the same way. Actually, if we did our science honestly, we have an opportunity to discover that serious flu outbreaks my be concurrent with other circulating viruses such as the corona type.

Years ago there was an open discussion in the medical community making it to mass media in a big way that most people who have "the flu" really do not have the flu but something else with similar symptoms. testing for the flu was started to collect useful data. one wonders where these bio samples reside and if still useful. Guess where i am going.

Note regarding people who were vexxed. I am also seeing behavioral, probably mostly energy, changes in people weeks after final or the single shot. They look much worse. We nicknamed one guy dead-man-walking.

Where i think that ADE could be hidden is that many people who avoided the vexxing through fraud will of course continue the lie that they took it and are ok. Add in some middle-aged other explanation for death and even blaming another flu, and it could be covered. Young, healthy people dying would have to be explained as another flu, even bio attack.

If the ADE deaths are slow or only auto-immune disease, then there will be some great governmental settlement much like the administration of the 911 victim payouts. It is the fast death scenario that will bring problems.

I think that there will be a lot of payoffs to families if people start dying and with full participation of the medical care personnel to cover.

Knew a lot of the attorneys working with people in the victim's compensation fund for 911. They all said that people fear being broke more than being dead. If as Karl has said, a cop sees his fellow officers and perhaps spouse die from the vaccine that he also took, he might not go postal but rather petition to be taken care of for life. so many did this after 911 with all of their medical problems. These folks got life medical care free and stipends and settlements of various types. This is even done for residents of the area of the contamination.

We also see how people reacted to religious institutions when they and their children were molested. I have not seen the great fires in the distance from their retribution. No, people took the financial angle of which i have first hand knowledge of how much liquidation actually occurred to settle things.

The mass negative reaction to ADE will only occur if it is a severe, large and short time frame death wave. It must be fast enough that functional services break down and people live with not only fear but the results in a personal way. Think like not being able to dispose of dead people efficiently and severe understaffing of law enforcement and even necessities of life. The everyone goes home only occurs when they have no other option. In its absence, people will adapt and demand to be part of some palliative welfare scheme to protect their longterm personal interest or compensate for the loss of family and in many cases the support which came from that person.

Many people involved with the 911 compensation and the religious institutions settlements described feeling "dirty" after it was all over. Would remind them that fire is cleansing in the physical and for the spirit, however none took up on the offer.

Speed kills they say.

If ADE goes fast, society gets killed. If ADE drags out, it gets costly.

Sadly, people can be bought, and the government has endless ways to do it.

EDIT ADDITIONS: Just have to add this regarding all of the mask bullshit and risks from things triggering autoimmune reactions. During the 911 disaster cleanup the assholes in the medical world and government downplayed the risks of exposure leading to many people being seriously injured with life long health problems, some of them autoimmune.

When i was in the area i practically wore a Vorlon Encounter Suit. Got a lot of push-back from people administering things there. Did not let my people anywhere near there without full gear and decontamination. Told not a few cops, contractors, garbage men and firefighters, etc. that i could take a few telephones, computers, urinals and some human guts and use an industrial grinder to make them a daily smoothie for their health or how about ending the day by "doing a line" of fluorescent light bulbs, gypsum board, concrete and electronic components that i would grind to a powder for them.

Yet, we need masks for this bullshit and are playing Russian roulette with people's autoimmune system.

Prediction: one day there will be a massive compensation fund for those who were injured by the Vexxing. Unless if we get a mass event quickly, then money will not really matter much. Do you practice cannibalism? Might have to.


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