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 The Biggest Mistake We've Ever Made
Abelardlindsey 2k posts, incept 2021-03-26
2021-04-04 11:02:40

There are two issues with traditional vaccines.

The first, which is limited to those that use Thimerosal as a preservative, is of course the resultant accumulation of Mercury in the body. As someone who struggled with childhood medical problems that, in retrospect, turned out to be purely Mercury poisoning, I will not accept any vaccine that has Mercury (Thimerosal) in it.

The second is the autoimmune problems which I believe are due to the adjuvants. Why are adjuvants necessary and what do they do? The underlying molecular biology of this has never been properly worked out. We do know that lab animals given vaccines without the adjuvants, that the vaccines usually do not work well. Animals given the adjuvants alone all develop autoimmune conditions.

Both of the above are serious side effects of vaccines (the first messing up my childhood and young adulthood) that the medical industrial complex will NOT own up to even today. Most people who the media dishonestly labels as "anti-vax" refuse vaccinations because of the above two problems which, as I said before, the medical complex does not recognize as existing. It is the MIC's refusal to own up to these problem that is the root cause of our lack of trust in the medical establishment and, by extension, vaccines.

This is traditional vaccines. As we see in this posting, the new COVID-19 vaccines do not have the Mercury problem as they do not contain Thimerosal, But the autoimmune problem is dramatically increased as compared to traditional vaccines. Then there is the issue of viral evasion and ADE, which is an even worse problem. But even if this never happens, the autoimmunity problems that people will get from these vaccines will be bad enough.

The media whines on and on about how don't trust vaccines, that they are "vaccine-hesitant" or even "anti-vax". But this media steadfastly refuses to acknowledge any of these issues as being legitimate. Same for the MIC itself. Instead of addressing and resolving these issues straight on, instead they work to create more and more propaganda to try to get people to forget about these issue.

Its all in the mitochondria.

Its the future're not.
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