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 The Utter Nonsense On Politics And Gays
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05
2015-04-10 20:13:06

I may get some blowback on this board for my position on this, but when you concede the culture war, you concede the political and economic wars.

You can't let the Left (Marxist-Oligarchical Collectivism) march to victory in the culture war and expect to maintain any semblance of a libertarian economic system or anything remotely resembling the republican form of government we have had for our history. The culture underpins all the other stuff, and I know it sound high-minded to only concern yourself with economics, and allow the God/Guns/Gays issues to consume the minds of the lesser intellects, but you find that in your economic wars, your cultural supply lines are cut off.

I do grant that if we were to somehow hold to a more libertarian economic system, much of the cultural issues would soon be defunded. This is most easily theorized in the case of government funded welfare payments.

However, it is the underlying culture rot that promotes the conditions that make ripe the "need" for welfare, and the insistence that "government do something" to make the poor better off, is a basic pillar of the Leftist cultural dogma. When the two ideas clash, the cultural bias will win, and will do so until there is no other option than total economic devastation. (By that time, it's too late.)

Put another way, math ultimately wins, but as any long-term TFer knows, math will put together quite a losing streak to politics before it asserts that win.

Culture matters. In fact, everything is ultimately culture-related. You can't choose to fight on limited fronts and expect to win. Eventually, you become surrounded and defeated.

Multi-culturalism is nothing more than open warfare on the host culture.

Ann Couture said it best about this homosexual marriage thing...

Ann wrote..
Having won the war on gay marriage (by judicial fiat), now some liberal zealots insist on going house-to-house and shooting the survivors. They seem to seek out Christian businesses to provide floral arrangements and cakes for gay weddings so they can call the cops if the Christians try to pass.

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.
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