503 posts, incept 2008-01-26
Karl, You have been my personal "Hero" for sometime now....
I followed your lead when the Tea Party Began and I continue in that direction today. Your personal ethics and patriotism are and have been an example for us all. However, I join you in your frustration and angst.
I too have "Gone Galt" in that I have reduced my taxable income to near zero, but not till I had made for some kind of safe future for my children and grand children.
Please understand Karl that your efforts have not been totally in vain...for many of my friends and family have received from me your message periodically, and they can't say that neither I nor you haven't tried....
So no matter where events lead us, I applaud and SALUTE you Karl.
God Bless You Sir and God Bless whatever is Left of America.