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 Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint
Bear 6k posts, incept 2007-07-10

Do you support Michael Moores free speech "documentaries" as legitimate while denying the free speech of the producers of "Hillary the Movie"?

I support neither. I have no opinion on "entertainment". I have the ability to formulate my own opinions on what is spin and what is fact.

Look, life today is no more than one big ass "infomercial" scam and ANYTHING that furthers that deception, Im against.

Your grouping of the "freedom of speech" argument is wasted on me.
You can continue to deceive yourself if you want to, but the "Bull**** Flag" has been thrown

Paying other people interest to borrow money from ourselves that we don't have...... Asimov

It is quite possible that ALL debt in FRB with fiat currency is insoluble
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