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 Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint
Joe-bob 2k posts, incept 2007-09-18

The distinction between a corporation and say is obvious.

A ginormous bank can jack up its credit card rates to 30% and then take the resulting money and funnel it in to political activities. Incorporation exists to facilitate BUSINESS ACTIVITIES but those who control a corporation can take divert the cash flow from business operations into political activities.

A political organization, by contrast, has to at least collect donations and those donations are known to be for a political cause.

HUGE difference in my book between a political organization engaged in political activity and extending rights of citizenship to entities created for the sake of commerce and then letting them siphon off enough funds from commerce to dwarf the resources of any purely political organization!

Goldman Sachs has a bigger cash flow than most nations on this earth. When every politically-aware human being in the US called in to their congressmen - causing me to get a busy signal when I was trying to call in - it wasn't enough.

So what IS enough? What level of involvement by citizens would it have taken to block the bailout? We all have to keep our jobs to survive. (most of us have jobs with corporations...) It would be a significant sacrifice for the individual citizens involved - it would affect the whole course of their lives to muster enough activity to block the bailout. Nothing we did worked, so who knows what extremes would have been required.

Meanwhile Goldman Sachs has the resources equivalent to a large wealthy nation. They have many people working for them whose sole job in life is to push for political ends. And it isn't as if Goldman Sach's wants can be satiated - their people are on salary. When they get the current thing they want, they'll move on to the next thing.

And there is no penalty for TRYING to repeal the laws that keep them running as honest, transparent companies. They were free to make the attempt to repeal Glass-Steagal as many times as they want. No big deal if they fail one year, just try again next year. They have more than enough resources to carry this on indefinitely without seriously impacting their existence at all.

So you have on the one side resources coming from NON political means fueling influence that, to be equalled, requires a major upheaval in the lives of citizens EVERY SINGLE TIME something is attempted - and they get unlimited attempts. Basically, our property, our freedoms, our lives, are up on a target and Goldman Sachs is allowed unlimited potshots.

So if you grant corporate rights in the political world, you guarantee the eventual death of the Republic. The founding fathers crafted the Constitution with the intention of PRESERVING the republic - it is the single guiding principle of the document. Therefore they could not have intended corporations to have rights as citizens.


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