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User Info This Will Be Unpopular....; entered at 2023-10-10 12:33:09
Posts: 1137
Registered: 2017-05-03 The South
"I have no respect for anything in the Geneva Conventions or any other so-called "laws of war" and if you manage to incite me sufficiently that I decide to go to war there will be no rules whatsoever, except for me seeking to make you dead before you can make me dead. "

I have said this for years, which is probably why I am left to hanging around here for like-minded people :). People in real life don't think these things through and therefore default to "nice" or "polite". I have stated before - and this comes from someone who lives in the South and is at best tepid towards "Northern Aggression" - what Sherman did probably saved countless lives.

"In the context of the current mess over in Israel and Gaza I do not care if Israel flattens Gaza to a literal smoking ruin."

And vice versa. I. Do. Not. Care. How many civilians were killed, nor how many Americans were killed or captured. Unless and until we take care of our own borders and territory, science will not be able to develop an instrument with enough sensitivity to detect the shit that I give about all of this.
2023-10-10 12:33:09