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User Info This Will Be Unpopular....; entered at 2023-10-10 12:24:23
Posts: 325
Registered: 2021-09-15
Saw pics of some of the dead party goers, read a few eyewitness accounts. Some might call it morbid curiosity but I need to remind myself of the COST. A mother somewhere is having to see her child's body ripped apart with broken limbs, the only "crime" being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'm too old to be drafted, but this mess is coming TO us and I need that visceral reminder of the costs. It seems to me the ME has become inured to the horror they inflict on each other. It's been going on for so long that it's just part of daily life and while that saddens me, it doesn't stimulate a desire to "help". They need to clean up their own litter box just like we do.

Westerners have become completely detached from reality. TV and movies have sanitized the reality of what death actually looks like, especially violent death. They only show you bodies that are covered with a sheet. Don't want to disturb people by showing what bullet wounds actually do to the body. Don't want to shock people by showing them the human body in the rictus of death. Do you think any of the Asian countries have this problem? They live in countries where violence is used on them by their govts EVERY DAY. As pitiable as the J6 debacle is/was, those folks are sheltered with 3 meals and a working shower/toilet. Think those "amenities" are a given in other places? Not a chance in hell.

One of my most profound memories is from looking through a Life book on WWII (I must have been in the 7th grade), seeing the mass graves, filled with emaciated, naked bodies. They were almost unrecognizable as human. Pretty profound at age 11. I can't imagine the cruelty that is needed to put someone through such a thing. That anyone could survive such treatment is truly amazing. Viewing such things should make you THINK about how a person can get to such a place, what kind of person you have to be to condone and/or participate in such behavior. TG is right, we have forgotten that at base, we are animals and most aren't smarter than the average bear.

Divorcing acts of violence from the repercussions of such actions is how we got here. Why else do you think Vets are loathe to talk about their experiences? They can't delete those memories of what they were required to do or witness, they are stuck living with them. Hence the immense volume of psychiatric and addiction problems they have.
I know I would do just about anything to defend my family. But the rest of this cesspit we call a country? How can I justify the damage I would be doing to myself for the sake of the fucking idiots who got us here in the first place? Maybe that is the demarcation line for those who carry the fight. Some can mentally justify and others cannot. Not a judgment, just an observation. Each psyche is built through our moral upbringing and life experiences.
My husband has the right view: if I can't have a gun, NO ONE gets one (true equality!)
If you want me or mine to fight, your ass needs to be 2 steps in front of me.
If congress or the assholes running the office of the president want to "fund" anyone, I want to see their personal donations. Congress can set up a little gofudme acct and brag about how much of their own money they're willing to give up for their "cause".

Otherwise, they can FUCK RIGHT OFF

2023-10-10 12:24:23