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User Info This Will Be Unpopular....; entered at 2023-10-10 12:23:06
Posts: 95
Registered: 2009-12-16 Dartmouth NS Canada
Not just post-WWII Germany. Post-WWII Japan, too.

WWII was the last time that the western world fought a TRUE war. As in, we will kill everyone and bomb and destroy and burn and pillage everything in our path to victory until our enemies cry, "Uncle" and maybe even a little bit past that. The horrors of the Nazi and Imperial Japanese regimes made it easy to cast it all in a righteous light both during and after the fact, but make no mistake, the Allies did not fight the Axis with kid gloves or with a hand tied behind their backs.

Every war since then, whether Korea or Vietnam or Iraq I or Iraq II or Afghanistan or wherever, has had the western nation involved tying itself into knots to avoid fighting that total war. Partly because of nuclear MAD, of course, but also because the western world has completely lost the stomach for it.

Maybe Israel just rediscovered theirs. We shall see. If Gaza is a smoking pile of death and rubble by this time next year and Israel has loudly told any objectors to same to pound sand then they have. If Israel can actually achieve that outcome that is; I have no insight on that. Anything short of that outcome would seem to be undesirable to say the least on their part.
2023-10-10 12:23:06