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User Info Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-05-01 16:30:05
Posts: 142
Registered: 2023-05-01
'Coof Wars Epilogue' is by far one of the best pieces written on The Franken-Jabs. I come back to it often, not only for the typical classic Karl samurai-scythe cuts of Truth, but the optimism he renders with his words for us Pure Bloods that saw through the bullsh!t and said NO. Sometimes, as my Pure Blood girl slumbers away next to me, whom I thank #GOD every day that I met her in the middle of all this bio-tyrannical madness, and the tinfoil starts to seep into my mental salad bar trying to figure out WHAT all of it actually was, why They did it (whomever They are), I sometimes think it was a giant Stupid test, and that we who didn't fall for it are meant to inherit the Earth. Then I shake my head and get back to more realistic, melancholic brooding, as I grind my teeth down to stumps thinking about my family and friends fk'd up from these injections, the people I know or know of who have already been murdered by them, and the long, possibly pointless wait for the Plebeians to wake up to what was done to them and go full-ape sh!t. Is there a bigger issue? A more pressing matter? No. Look at the numbers: mortality rates, cancer rates, strokes, jammers, fertility issues, miscarriages, all rising substantially post-Vax rollout, BIG numbers, it's a horror show. Look at the anecdotal reports. Put it within a historical context. It's happening. It's huge. It's unprecedented. It's monumentally evil. It's Nuremberg Tribunals 2.0-worthy. We should be on a fast-track to illumination f**kville, and STILL, despite the Rasmussen Reports polls indicating a LOT of people know... crickets. Self-denial. The big, embargoed elephant in the room topic. The "media"? Pffft, North Korean State TV. Fake News is old news, no surprise there. Yet, despite the plethora of alternate sources of information and people raging about it online, this institutional slo-mo mass murder show is unfolding, and most people don't give a sh!t.

Was it incompetence? No. We are WAY past that point, to where I think malevolence is more likely. Was it corruption? About money? That would be the most palatable of scenarios, because it wouldn't be that surprising. Plus, greed is a lot less evil than say, the Depop genocide hypothesis, which I also have issues with. If it was about money, the govt's could've wrote the purchase orders for the Jabs, told everybody "come n' gettem! Free vaccines!" and while half of the vials rotted in refrigerated warehouses, bribes would have been paid, requisite pockets lined, end of. Why risk getting hauled up in front a courtroom for mass homicide? Why commit eventual political suicide forcing people through coercion, with the threat of losing their livelihoods, to take the clot shots? It just feels too desperate to me. They knew the risk, not every apparatchik but enough of them did, and still they hammered away with the threats against everyone to get Vaxxed.

My hypothesis: I called it May of 2020, before the Jabs, and I'm standing on it. The Shamdemic, the Jabs, the mass psyop, all of it was POLITICAL. A brush cut on the masses to quell this pesky neo-nationalist populism wave that started with BREXIT, then Trump 2016, and then spread like wildfire across the First World. The neo-liberal oligarchical class started sh!tting themselves thinking that we were getting too well-informed, seeing though the glass darkly, awareness rising that everything is fake, gay and corrupt. They couldn't manufacture consent anymore with TV, we didn't want their muppet candidates anymore, we all started to see how the hyper-capitalist game is a rigged roulette wheel on fire, while people Googled 'fractional reserve banking' and started tinkering with 3D-printing guns in their basements. The world is getting too complex, too transparent, and so the elites said "f'k this, we don't wanna end up like the Romanovs" and rolled this crazy pandemic psyop. Then the Jabs. Why? Because people f**ked up, sick all the time, afraid of Boogieman killer viruses, fearful they're gonna throw a clot while their minds get turned into oatmeal from a necrotizing protien swirling around in their brains, aren't going to be so inclined to strap on a Yellow Vest, get strapped up, and storm the citadels of power looking for scalps, Truth, and maybe a solution to the monumental wealth disparity that predominates our system and era. I'm not a Marxist, I don't know what the answers are, but that's what I think this is, and still praying that people wake up. Or grow a pair to see what's in front of them, and demand justice be done for this horrific mass crime. In the mean time, I'm going to keep "Unvaccinated" off my curriculum vitae for now, and keep reading Karl's factual, rational, qualified diatribes against the Clown World scum and their useful idiots.

Sic Semper Tyrannis
2023-05-01 16:30:05