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User Info No Cure, No Pay; entered at 2023-03-25 11:06:43
Posts: 18326
Registered: 2017-06-27 Farthest Right
"Where is the candidate ...?"

Where are the people who would elect him.

Some logic:

Trump is a certain type of clinical narcissist. My friend calls them "Upper Lesser Type B".

Was watching a documentary regarding my home town players, their downfall and have read and researched other things regarding the targeting of organized criminals. The authorities almost always go after them when they are old men. They know what i know. It was stated in the documentary and in the other sources known to me that when these guys are old, they are terrified of prison.

This is why the FBI waits until they are old to start threatening them very hard with the hammer. They have behavioral scientists who advise them, no doubt from what i have researched. How does this apply to Trump?

They are both the same type with perhaps the org criminals of immigrant stock being one notch above which makes them even more pathetic and apt to wimp out. They and Trump are very effective bullies when they have the resources and a way to carve out their own little niches. This is what Trump did all of his life to be the bully but not have to face things.

Trump was an old man when he was elected thinking like the pathetic types described above.

Then Trump got a disease in his face and others possessed of NPD but much greater than him in ability to manipulate played his ultimate fear of death and disease well beyond high fastidiousness of a normal person.

So where does this apply to the voters as Karl and i mention. They are very much like Trump in actuality of condition or tendency which we all have. Many of the folks who have always liked Trump were wimps like him but could feel strong aping his style or supporting it. Many wanna be mafia types also shared this bully admiration. They are much more common than one realizes. My former community was a nexus of them.

The problem is that from celebrities, to pundits, to parenting, to performers, to athletes, to enforcers, all the way to politicians; a large part of society prefers the bully as an extension of itself.

The bully always folds when it needs to face something personally. Trumps only work out for society when times are good and the economy is flush with cash. No one bothered the casino mavens when there was lots of money flying around. When times got tight and they got old, then the weakness could not keep their coterie together.

Then the bigger bullies promised to protect everyone and the original bully himself just like a witness protection or plea deal.


Now we are living under bigger bullies. Others come after them, worse.

You will be there unless you start demanding accountability from yourselves and those with whom you associate.

Do not let those of us who figure that we will be the ones left to clean up the final mess to hold you accountable lest we decide that there is only one thing that you understand: oppression.

2023-03-25 11:06:43