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User Info Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-03-07 11:07:43
Posts: 6
Registered: 2021-11-02
As much as I appreciate the kudos for holding out this is far far from over. They tried monkeypox but that failed so next up is "BIRD FLU" with a 50% CFR to scare people. Will they fall for it AGAIN? I don't know. I'd like to think this has shaken people up but until it hits them they can't see the forest for the trees. The vast majority of my species doesn't inspire confidence.

We still have Alberta refusing to give an organ transplant to Sheila Lewis because she hasn't taken the vaccine. We still have children under 12 being given the shots which are proven to have no benefit to the child or anyone else. We still have bill C-36 in BC mandating injections every 3 months (4 times a year!) for medical workers.

Are the vexxed going to speak out against those and other war crimes? Or will they acquiesce with your silence for another year+ until it becomes a "fait acompli"?

PS. If you want more information about Mrs Lewis' case:

This now means they will let you DIE unless you take more shots if your shots are more than 6 months out of date! Yes even if you took the first 2 or 3 you will HAVE to take more even if it is of zero benefit and huge risk to you.

And for info on bill C-36 in BC:

Bill C-36 in BC I actually get a laugh out of. Passed 3rd reading and boy have the cowards of the medical profession painted themselves in a corner. I oppose it on principle because I still have those unlike 99% of the medical professionals, but it makes me laugh. That is what pimps do to their ho's. Dark humour for dark times.
2023-03-07 11:07:43