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User Info Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-01-14 22:24:00
Posts: 3554
Registered: 2009-09-04
Did I consider a bribe for a legitimate card (and data entry) without the shot? Yes. I even had a couple candidates I probed a bit.

Did I consider just counterfeiting a card? Also yes. Which wouldn't have worked for the medical system, but would have given me social cover (restaurants, parties, etc).

A rational person weighs all the options. Ultimately I did neither. Because I decided that as long as I had groceries, I was going to stand tall.

If that had become impossible? I'm not sure what I would have done in mid-2021. Now? I'd consider it threatening me with lethal force, and my response will be untempered.
2023-01-14 22:24:00