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User Info Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-01-14 10:05:44
Posts: 4655
Registered: 2007-07-17 ****cago
Well said.
The hardest part for me is explaining to my 11 yro son why his friends parent's gave their children the Vax. He just can't grasp the concept of it all.

As for all the rest of age to know what they were doing to themselves and wanting all unvaxxd to die, ****em.

I think to this day what I always thought since the beginning:

We could not know what long term side effects those vaxs had because it was impossible. Not enough time had elapsed to know the 2 or 3 or 5 year side effects. Why would I ever put such a thing in my body that cannot ever be reversed?

And now we will never know...

Choose, but choose wisely.
2023-01-14 10:05:44