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User Info Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-01-14 08:12:14
Posts: 1999
Registered: 2009-05-11 Davenport, Fl
I agree with almost everything, till the last part.
"I expect mRNA to be consigned to the dustbin of history"

I believe, first will come the "Double Down"

The great MNRA issues will be "Solved" no doubt and all those pesky excess deaths glossed over indeed!

Why PT Barnum would be hand picked to be the copywriter for this new effort if he were alive today. All sort of new MNRA shots will come out, flu's, chicken pox, headaches, perhaps even diabetes!

Yes, the double down will be hardcore and intense.. they HAVE to.
The last gasp, of the evil "markers" of society and they will stop at NOTHING.

Then and only then, will the madness reach it's peak.

The final "Wave" of excess deaths that will surely occur, will spill over the great American media firewall and will not be ignored anymore.

Then and only THEN will be the of it.
2023-01-14 08:12:14