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User Info | Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-01-14 08:02:34 | |||
Tsdj86 Posts: 92 Registered: 2022-12-06 |
From a superficial level many of us might think we won for not taking the vaxx, but in a big picture reality humanity took a major step back and the deviants that walk among us who plan and carryout these vast conspiracies still hold power with virtually zero repercussions or push back. Make no mistake, the depraved humans that instigated this demented psychopathic experiment on the world for much more than just greed and money are still in power, their power and financial privilege has only grown in scope and depth. The fact that there are still people that refuse to believe this shit was planned at the highest levels of controlling Malthusian factions only further solidifies my position that the lack of pushback, has emboldened these people and they are just getting started. They fully realize that humans are gullible, stupid dupes to be used as pawns in bigger schemes yet to come. Even the most intelligent among us are many times the most complicit. The world and individuals in general have lost, not won, regardless of your respective vaxx status. The world is a much more dangerous, deranged and difficult place to live today than before this shitshow. The world is bankrupt morally, financially and ethically and evil knows it. 2023-01-14 08:02:34