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User Info | Coof Wars Epilogue; entered at 2023-01-14 07:55:06 | |||
Tritumi Posts: 3495 Registered: 2008-11-29 tokyo |
I love this rich venture upon the sea of optimism and confidence. One tiny niggle persists. The pre-thud jabbed have every motivation to vote themselves reparation and compensation, renumeration into infinity or thud, which ever comes first. Americans have at no time short of open warfare, when the pointed finger of Uncle Samuel shoots laser motes of patriotic gore into the national grey mush, decided on a course where the collective cookie jar does not contain a quantum generator of infinite goodies prepared by a willing deity for personal salvation. And in this decade, the goodies look to be a spoiled and rotted happy meal away from soylent green. The five year wait for perdition's end is certainly a decent interval, I agree. How many seasons has The Walking Dead lasted? Perhaps culture needs to concoct some movement themed a Thud with Thignity, er, Death with Dignity, as in Soylent (the movie). We can give everyone who shows up a participation trophy. 2023-01-14 07:55:06