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User Info | Amnesty? Absolutely NOT; entered at 2022-11-02 03:11:04 | |||
Smokeyblonde13 Posts: 446 Registered: 2021-10-29 Phoenix |
Work-hubby the other day lamented the fact that he took the vax. The first one. But not the second and absolutely not the "boosters". I felt bad for him as we were still WFH then (floor construction), so our inter-actions were severely limited, and his parents and Dr and friends had a bigger influence on him than me at the time. THOSE are the people I sympathize/empathize with. Those who thought they were doing the right thing, but now regret it. But there is no turning back. And I told him that it sucks he'll die of a heart attack by 60 - I'll miss him. 2022-11-02 03:11:04