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User Info Amnesty? Absolutely NOT; entered at 2022-11-01 23:59:46
Posts: 564
Registered: 2009-10-06 Maumelle, Ar

I read a lot of W. W. II history, the last few years I have delved into reading more about the Eastern Front war, and Stalin. I started the book, Germany's War, tonight and have been wrapped up in it tightly. It posits a number of theories and facts I was not aware of and puts a whole new face of the whole conflict. The Propaganda used is just amazing for the U.S. to enter the war. Roosevelt truly played us as a country I think for the Hell of War.

Stalin was a Master of Evil that in many ways eclipses both Hitler and Mao to degrees. Neither Stalin or Mao cared about their people and everything done was for the, "Good of the State", certainly not for those that lived there. The brutality is too unimaginable even now.

Thanks for the Tip on this book, so far very eye opening in some facts I was not aware of.
2022-11-01 23:59:46