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User Info Amnesty? Absolutely NOT; entered at 2022-11-01 20:31:47
Posts: 361
Registered: 2022-01-15
Covid taught me that most Westerners are soulless NPCs. Even within my own family. I'm extremely grateful that I was able to solidify bonds with others.

Although articles are starting to trickle through the mainstream media showing the jabs are ineffective (they haven't discussed dangerous yet) I have not heard a single normie at work/socially say that jabs and Lockdowns were poor policy. I'm still hearing fuck trumps, however??

Finally, I welcome that people like Emily are scared and want amnesty. However, I don't actually see any form of retribution happening. I'd love if someone could outline a pathway to heads on spikes. It certainly won't happen in Australia.
2022-11-01 20:31:47