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User Info The Bottom Line On Trust and Medicine; entered at 2022-09-01 14:16:29
Posts: 213511
Registered: 2007-06-26
They can't do that @Chemman -- at least not legally.

The "updated" jab is still EUA (legally it has to be, because you can't "license" something with 8 mice as the only trial) and you also can't license a derivative with material changes without full trials and data either, and they did make material changes (not just to the encoding.)

What they ARE trying to do is replace the flu shot (grown in chicken eggs) with an mRNA replacement, at which point they COULD put Covid encoding into it along with whatever else. I don't have a clue what the REAL pathway to that is, but by God if they do it you'd be an idiot to ever take a flu jab again.
2022-09-01 14:16:29