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User Info | The Bottom Line On Trust and Medicine; entered at 2022-09-01 13:05:54 | |||
Susanlauren Posts: 1358 Registered: 2021-05-01 |
@ocdawg ... Exactly. My epiphany was deeply disturbing to say the least. Yes. I suspect it is the tip of the iceberg. My thought was "omg, this is a modern day killing field." What makes it even worse is that every single administrator and the vast majority of the health care staff think they are doing the right thing by these kids. After all, the vaxx and the boosters are recommended by the CDC, NIH, your family MD and every public health institution across the country. I am the crazy conspiracy theorist and nonconformist. My bad. A friend asked me how we should deal with this crazy situation. My answer: "out live them."
2022-09-01 13:05:54