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User Info Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We; entered at 2022-06-12 21:17:27
Posts: 812
Registered: 2017-02-14 Mobile,AL
The Ukraine has lost because "their" leaders trusted the US and believed that they could be used as a weapon to prod the Russian bear without dire consequences. Having to conscript women puts the Ukraine in the dire consequences category from which it will not easily extricate itself.
Not only has the US pursued an overseas empire, it has built a domestic one with a polyglot of ethnicities with each having interests that are not congruent to the majority population's interests. Chalk that up as a loss for the USA.
The decades long mismanagement of the US economy is about to result in conditions unfavorable to the preservation of domestic tranquility. The breakdown of domestic tranquility will not be covered by the Ministry of Truth, but we'll see it firsthand.
2022-06-12 21:17:27