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User Info Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?; entered at 2022-04-30 19:57:47
Posts: 25529
Registered: 2007-07-05 N 47.72/ W 122.55

Didn't one of the Founding Fathers say something like, democracy will work until the people realize they can vote money for themselves?

I dont think so. The FFs DID SAY that our constitution is only for a moral and religious people and wholly unsuitable for any other. They were also very strident on how Ebony and Ivory sitting side by side in perfect harmony is total fantasy. Lincoln wanted to repatriate the freed slaved, but then JWB got involved...

Your quote is likely sourced to an Alexander Tyler from the Univ of Edinburgh in 1787, and referred to the Athenian Republic from antiquity.

Same applies. Democracy never ends well, which is why those that set this place up scrupulously avoided it. We are living in the justification of their concern.
2022-04-30 19:57:47