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User Info | Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?; entered at 2022-04-30 14:25:13 | |||
Elbowwilham Posts: 58 Registered: 2021-08-20 |
I agree with Karl, that the main issue is the government involvement. But I also agree with Dingleberry that it is a demographics issue. If it were only straight white men that were having trouble paying back their student loans, no one would give a shit. But most of the debt is held by women and a lot of that is held by black women. So this is just another bail out for women. Or a transfer of money from men to women. I feel sort of bad that these women (and a few men) believed the lie that any degree is a good degree, but not that sorry. Even after their student loans are forgiven, they'll still be working at Starbucks. 2022-04-30 14:25:13