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User Info Since We're Taking Shots....; entered at 2022-01-31 13:25:34
Posts: 21578
Registered: 2010-06-25 Peoples'RepublikOfMD
Your florid call to indiscriminate breach of this standard in the midst of a pandemic when almost everyone is susceptible to illness from infection, is highly likely to be malpractice on a large scale. But worse, you are doing so, only to then market and distribute early treatments, to many thousands/millions of trusting Americans, while the treatments market, are at best controversial and based on your groups personal belief that they are effective. This is not how good and ethical medicine operates

Yeah, I couldn't make it past this tripe. While this sick care manager may be a half a step above the rest of the sick care system, his hyperbole and the clear irony of the bolded section make me not want to waste the time with the rest of his screed.
2022-01-31 13:25:34