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User Info Since We're Taking Shots....; entered at 2022-01-31 12:53:29
Posts: 1736
Registered: 2021-05-31
@Canadianna there is ample proof out there that the vaccines do not stop the spread of the disease. It hasn't mattered. And so many of these "leaders" need to be removed from office. I'd love to see the situation in Canada resolve peacefully and with Trudeau backing off. Interesting times. Lynn Fynn indicating the Department of Defense data going to be released Friday. Hopefully that moves some needles.

Add: and, in the event he actually has covid, would be an awesome time for a supercharged ADE scenario to unfold.

Last modified: 2022-01-31 13:14:47 by maddmaxx
Reason: add

2022-01-31 12:53:29