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User Info I...TOLD.... YOU.... SO!; entered at 2022-01-15 07:19:30
Posts: 437
Registered: 2022-01-15
For all of the Fauci Top Fans, he actually ran a very similar scam with AIDS i.e. basically engineered the 'virus', started the hysteria, then 'solved' it, enriching himself and raising his profile.
I believe he's married to the sister? of Francis Collins, who was the director at the NIH. His wife is the lady that 'certifies' vaccines.
All unearthed on the No Agenda show.

Thank you to TG for excellent news/analysis, and I really appreciate the commenters adding another layer. It's getting very hard to find good news sources these days. Shills/disinformation agents are paid monkeys that ruin the signal to noise ratio on all sorts of websites, even the dreaded 4chan
2022-01-15 07:19:30