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User Info 2021: The Year In Review, And A Wee Light In The Tunnel; entered at 2021-12-27 17:22:41
Posts: 2970
Registered: 2021-03-26
I can tell you that Portland is experiencing the decline as predicted in this blog posting. Restaurants in Portland began closing BEFORE *****-19 showed up, mainly due to the massive numbers of homeless and the near constant protests and rioting we had during Trump's time. The homeless essentially took over downtown during the first lockdown (we had two of them) and are still there today. The police are ineffectual because they have been told to mostly stand down. Naturally crime is out of control and the murder rate is now back up to early 1980's level (the previous peak) and continuing to increase.

We used to go downtown a lot, say around '15 and '16. We've only been downtown once this past year ('21), in the summer. There were a lot fewer people in the waterfront park compared to previous summers. Homeless, and the accompanying litter and filth, was everywhere.

I have not been up there in over 5 years. But I'm hearing that Seattle is in even worse shape. They (King county) has the ******* mandate for going to the gyms or restaurants. At least Portland does not have this madness. I think the reason is that the Portland economy is so bad they realize any ******* mandate would just kill it. Seattle seems to have enough "true believers" they convince themselves that the ******* mandate will not affect them. However, it is. Many of the downtown shops and restaurants have shutdown due to crime, homeless, and likely the ******* mandates.

Everywhere else in the Pacific Northwest appears to be normal.
2021-12-27 17:22:41