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User Info 2021: The Year In Review, And A Wee Light In The Tunnel; entered at 2021-12-27 14:44:28
Posts: 452
Registered: 2019-09-26 North of Boston, but not North enough.
@Jwm_in_sb Trump holding his ground on the vaxxes is characteristic of him. His ego won't let him admit he is wrong, even to salvage his popularity. I sure hope his supporters are taking notice, he is not to be trusted going forward. Even if he was, I'd rather have someone else. I'm not interested in a 2nd term for Jarred Kushner. Get Tulsi, get Candace Owens, get Rand Paul, get fucking anybody else. Trump should be used as support, to rally people to a new leader.

Steve Bannon seems like a hell of a guy, and I wish he had more power. His interviews with Tim Pool, and another couple no-name youtubers, confirm to me that Bannon is actually a level-headed person with reasonable political standpoints. It is a crime that he was debased as "far-right", because I think the average American would be ready to support him if they could only hear what he has to say.
2021-12-27 14:44:28