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Fact: There is no immunity or protection against The Law of Scoreboards.
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User Info Uh, That's Not A Conspiracy Theory; entered at 2021-11-02 10:01:56
Posts: 599
Registered: 2020-07-25
This is excellent work. Thank you for your analysis.

Is it possible that in the lots with few adverse reactions, the recipients of the jab aren't getting any effective immunity, thus the "breakthrough" cases? Also, with boosters comes the risk that you get jabbed with a bad lot!

The Boeing 737 Max MCAS problems were covered up by Boeing. Some Boeing engineers alerted management to the issues, but management wasn't interested. The CEO finally had to resign in disgrace over this debacle. I suspect that there are some in the vex companies that know of the issues, have revealed them to management, and management is ignoring them.

My decision to forego the vex until it could be properly tested, which takes years, was the wise and prudent choice.
2021-11-02 10:01:56