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User Info | There's An Off Ramp - But It Has A Price; entered at 2021-09-01 13:07:54 | |||
Georgi Posts: 58 Registered: 2021-07-07 |
@Ahhz , you are right that this could be the reason. In the first comment regarding those data I was hypothesising that the data could be explained by some combination of the following: 1. It is about the delta after all. The 3rd shot is not helping much because the delta variant is able to escape the spike-only antibodies induced by the vaccines 2. Israel is in the middle of the 3rd dose administration and they are doing it against all bast practices during a disease wave. Maybe the events after the 3rd dose are people getting the boosters but the infection happened within the 1-2 week span after the injection so that they were not able to mount the antibody protection from it. 3. For some reasons the boosters are not having the same (short-term!) protective effect. Or even ADE? 4. The boosters do actually cause bad reactions and disease, as @Blackcrow suggests The second point is precisely this - maybe the 3rd shots are too fresh. Regarding the first two they consider one being vaccinated 2 weeks after the second shot. Not sure if this holds for the 3rd one as well. 2021-09-01 13:07:54