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User Info There's An Off Ramp - But It Has A Price; entered at 2021-09-01 08:49:03
Posts: 206340
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Luciab - Correct. ALL attempts to produce a vaccine that is injected inherently put the spike into your circulation, which is dangerous. It cannot be avoided. Novavax at least puts a KNOWN AMOUNT of it into your circulation (as opposed to having your body produce it), but it is still dangerous.

Now getting infected CAN do the same thing. BUT -- it might not. The infection may stay local to the respiratory tract, and if it does then so does the potential pathology. As a reminder your alveoli are the ONLY cells that, for a time, can survive without direct perfusion because they can discharge CO2 to the atmosphere and take in O2. There is a limit to this because lactic acid and other biological waste is a product of life, and must be removed or eventually the cells will die, but over a short term they can survive this where nothing else in the body can or will. Of course if you get nailed bad it doesn't, and that damage is how and why you die.
2021-09-01 08:49:03