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User Info | There's An Off Ramp - But It Has A Price; entered at 2021-08-31 08:11:58 | |||
Erroldo Posts: 881 Registered: 2013-09-12 |
another masterpiece summary and analysis for the rest of us, of the science on covid. So, a possible outcome for those jabbed, is their antibodies decay toward 0x0 over time, both neutralizing and binding antibodies, lessening ADE for example? With added risk in the period of neutralizing decay when binding is high, until that becomes low. So stop the jabbing and focus on treatment. Let's get the infection and treat it hard since positive to reduce the death? and of course focus on new treatments for the infected. Make mono antibodies treatment more available. But no..... more mass jabbing is promised, and more variant is coming. I am here in New York, and if the virus spreads easily as they say in delta, then just walking in crowded Manhattan is enough to catch it. We cant avoid it. I am convinced of Karl's prior statements (more than once here): It is a matter of when we get it, not if we get it. Just by people interaction, I dont see how we can avoid it forever, just by being human, unless to totally live on a farm in the country as a hermit. 2021-08-31 08:11:58