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User Info Simply Put: **** YOU; entered at 2021-08-21 11:55:59
Posts: 6539
Registered: 2010-04-06 ft collins co
TG wrote..
giant ****ing pile of dead bodies.

Yep. And the playbook they'll use ass the bodies mount is crystal clear.

The sheeple have shown themselves to be easily fooled/manipulated.
The powers that be find it politically impossible to reverse course, even now.
The powers that be can/will straight-out LIE to our faces as the bodies pile up.
Those of us in the minority, who know/speak the truth about the cause will be silenced by big media, who will simultaneously provide cover to the evil-doers pushing this catastrophe upon the world.

Rational men will increasingly find justice their way, the only way that remains, as every other means has been subverted/cut-off.

2021-08-21 11:55:59