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User Info Here It Comes; entered at 2021-07-23 16:50:03
Posts: 7976
Registered: 2008-01-23 Indiana
Speaking of humor, I found this story quite amusing this a.m. Here we have a memo from the fully-vaccinated president of Indiana University. Get a load of this:

Dear IU Community,

Just now I learned that while fully vaccinated for many months, I have tested positive for COVID-19. I began experiencing mild cold symptoms this morning and immediately isolated myself. I got tested shortly thereafter and received the results a few moments ago.

Gratefully, my symptoms are mild, and I will continue to work and lead the university during this time from my home office.

While the vaccine is not 100% effective, I am so grateful to be protected from more serious symptoms.

I encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as you can.

I look forward to being back in the office soon and to seeing all of you on campus for the fall semester.

Pamela Whitten
2021-07-23 16:50:03