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User Info Here It Comes; entered at 2021-07-22 17:15:26
Posts: 812
Registered: 2021-02-15 Northern Alabama
Terrific essay KD! Thanks again sir.

To those questioning whether all of this was truly a planned event with goals of mass death, your suspicions are probably true. I for one have thought this for just over a year now but I'm also an "original truther" .... so there's that.
For just a tidbit of anecdotal evidence, back in late 2018 into 2019 till about September, it was very difficult getting sample jars. 2-4 month lead times along with increased pricing of course. All my facilities use just basic 4, 8 , 16, and 32oz. glass jars. When I'd quiz our different suppliers, they all said... Can't get freaking glass. It has been allocated to other things. That's all low end sales folks knew and told me.

Fast forward to last year, I can remember seeing reports of ungodly amounts of; wait for it, small glass vials. I think it was around 2 billion. I don't remember where I saw it or I'd try to find and share. Could've been here? Idk. Maybe some of y'all remember seeing this too? I also saw a similar gigantic purchase of PCR test kits that were being produced and stocked throughout 18 and 19.

It doesn't really matter at this point but still interesting to connect dots down some rabbit holes.
2021-07-22 17:15:26