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User Info | Well-Deserved Consequences; entered at 2021-07-10 18:34:52 | |||
Susanlauren Posts: 1358 Registered: 2021-05-01 |
@Blackcrow. You could be my doctor any day. I would be proud to have you and I don't even know your area of practice. Thank you for your faithfulness to the most basic of basic principles in medicine - first do no harm. Your words and your experience are unsettling. I am doing the same thing you are doing in terms of preparation. If (or should I say when) this heads south, what does one do about entire health care systems that have mandated the jabb for their employees. Houston now needs 20,000 unvaxxed and healthy nurses? I don't even have the slightest inclination of what nightmare scenario awaits. I am looking at people with respect to the chance of them being here in six months, one year, two years (or whatever) based upon vaxx status. I suspect the reason I I was forced into a resignation from my present employment is so I can better prepare and so I won't have to suffer the emotional fallout from witnessing an entire employee group (with many whom I know and care about) get hammered by this thing.
2021-07-10 18:34:52