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User Info | Science Catches Up -- And Burns You All; entered at 2021-05-12 17:51:42 | |||
Bigdaddy63 Posts: 465 Registered: 2008-01-18 | Can't make this **** up.... ivekh, an Indian actor and health ambassador for the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, died two days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine dose earlier this month. The well-known actor and comedian was admitted to a local hospital on April 16 for cardiac arrest after being vaccinated with Covaxin, an Indian coronavirus vaccine, the day prior. The 59-year-old was brought to the hospital unconscious and underwent a coronary angiogram and angioplasty before his death the following morning, GreatGameIndia reported. The hospital said that Vivekh suffered acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock and 100% blockage of a blood vessel. The actor had taken his first dose of Covaxin on Thursday at a televised event with the health secretary of Tamil Nadu to encourage vaccination. 2021-05-12 17:51:42