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User Info | The End Of Trump; entered at 2020-06-29 12:45:05 | |||
Little_eddie Posts: 3790 Registered: 2009-04-30 Delaware |
It don't matter any more which one of them, whoever is on the ballot, wins. The die is cast and we're on the road to hell. imo, everybody wants their free **** and we don't have any free **** left. In fact we don't even have enough **** left to keep this ****tin country working as it is today. Do you really think they are going to cut off the $600 a week come the end of July? **** no, just print up another trillion or two or come August we're going to see what a real riot looks like. Get ready for shortages, everybody I know is losing money. It's going to be a long winter Last modified: 2020-06-29 13:09:02 by little_eddie