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User Info Corruption Much? (NIH); entered at 2020-06-10 11:17:16
Posts: 213440
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Themortgagedude -- Fauci's wife is the funnel in the government through which both (1) the MONEY flowing around on ***** passes through and (2) the GATEKEEPER for drugs like Remdesevir, which is NOT approved, flows as well -- AND the "recommendation path" for the not-proved but to-be-fast-tracked "*******."

Of course none of this means that FAUCI would have any reason to NOT want HCQ and Ivermectin to be run to the ground as potential therapies, thereby making said ******* and UNPROVED AND POTENTIALLY UNSAFE drugs unnecessary, right?

Oh, and Fauci's WIFE has a DOCTORATE in some medical-knowledge field, you know, backed up with eight years of study PLUS a residency PLUS currency in actual MEDICINE, right?

Oh wait....
2020-06-10 11:17:16